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Overcoming Uncertainties 

in unprecedented circumstances

Uncertainty takes an enormous toll on us, it robs us of control and confidence. People like predictability, and we weave it into the very fibre of our society, decisions and systems. Use the specialist management toolkit for transforming your plans and activities into more impactful and invaluable member engagements in unprecedented circumstances and today's digital age.


Curated for and used by association executives and managers wanting to boost confidence, perceived value and revenues without doing more work.

Effortless Affordable Online

The specialist management toolkit is handed over to you during personalized online sessions inclusive of diagnostics, templated engagement model, specialist handbook and ongoing support.

"The templated member engagement model is an incredibly valuable and practical tool because it helps to pull everything together for a structured approach to scoring and improving member engagement."

Associate Executive Director & NYSAE Board of Directors

New Jersey State Bar Association, 16,000 members

Member Engagement Diagnostic 

Explore best practices, find out where you are in comparison to top-performing associations already boosting member engagement and continuously improving performance, retention and revenues.


Use our free online member engagement diagnostic and report.

Insightful 4-minutes online self-assessment
click here

Success Loves Speed
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Self-enabling membership and association executives and managers to boots member engagement, improve operational and membership performance in today's digital age.


Use the specialist management tool kit for transforming students, individuals, professionals and member organizations activities into more impactful and invaluable engagements.


"The member engagement model is meaningful, invaluable and very practical. It's a great actionable management toolkit, and I highly recommend it."

Association of Accounting Technicians, 150,000 members worldwide

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Member Engagement Models




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The Member Engagement Model toolkit is the most practical, affordable and effortless way to continuously improve and score member engagement and future proof success.

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